Golf, like life, is a journey.
I will help you to find out your way to face up to them.
“Golf & Fitness DNA” is my working method: Dynamic Natural Approach. It combines the two sides of the same coin: one physical and the other technical.
The mention to the double helix of the genome denotes the extreme personalization of interventions I propose to every student, thanks to education.
To me education is the magnifying glass to look at the world.
My aim is to analyse the golfer and the plasticity of his motion that exposes him to forces and torsions, apparently unnatural.
They are such until we do not understand how to suit the swing to the player characteristics; we do not learn how to train our body on the correct plans and along the right forces lines; we do not make good use of the muscular chains which cross it running from the bottom upwards, from the right to the left and from front to back.
The choice to represent a ring and a square in the logo is a tribute to Da Vinci's Vitruvian Man, symbol of learning, closer examination and creativity.
In the inner ring there is a golfer stylized in the finish position with two lines wrapping up like a spiral, a clear reference to Hermes cane: the "Caduceus". I drew inspiration from it and to what it represents, that is the primacy of the intelligence that is above the matter, in order to be able to hold over it through knowledge. It is the physical evidence of the balance which should be found in everything.
He, who has this power, can reconcile opposites, creating harmony among different elements. Last but not less important, it is the symbol of the honest conduct and of the bodily health of any person.